Categories: How-ToSmartOS

How to create SmartOS Windows VM

How to create SmartOS Windows VM

Today i’m explaining you step by step how to create SmartOS Windows VM for Windows 2008/Win7

First you need to get the pkgin Tool ready to install some needed binaries like git and mkisofs for creating the smartos-vmtools:

cd /
curl -k | gzcat | tar -xf -
pkg_admin rebuild
pkgin -y up
pkgin in scmgit-base gcc47
pkgin install cdrtools-3.01alpha07nb1

move to your /opt dir and get the latest smartos-vmtools sources:

cd /opt/
git clone git:// smartos-vmtools

Build the iso which will be needed from source:

cd /opt/smartos-vmtools/

Create an empty KVM instance:

vi vmspec.json
"brand": "kvm",
"vcpus": 2,
"autoboot": false,
"ram": 2048,
"disks": [
"boot": true,
"model": "virtio",
"size": 40960
"nics": [
"nic_tag": "admin",
"model": "virtio",
"ip": "",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": ""
vmadm create < vmspec.json

Replace the "YourInstanceUUID" with the one you received after adding the empty KVM machine.

cp cache/smartos-vmtools-20120911140922.iso /zones/YourInstanceUUID/root/
cd /zones/YourInstanceUUID/

vmadm boot YourInstanceUUID order=cd,once=d cdrom=/win2008_re2_multi.iso,ide cdrom=/smartos-vmtools-20120911140922.iso,ide

Switch into your VNC Session for example via web browser driven Project FiFo and follow the screen.

Windows 2008 will not find the virtual hard disk unless you load the disk drivers which we built before to an iso.

Select browse driver and choose the smartos-vmtools CD-ROM and enter the directory windows -> drivers -> viostor -> Win 7
after that drive should be recognized. After several reboots when windows 2008 is done installed, don't forget to install the Nic drivers via device-manager the same way we did before with the disk driver but now under directory windows -> drivers -> NetKVM -> Vista.
Finally open the smartos-vmtools CD-ROM in your file browser start the install.bat under directory windows switch to drive C: directory smartossysprep and edit the windows2008r2.xml there you can change the default administrator password and stuff. Then finally run the sysprep.bat. After finish execution your system will shutdown. The system is now ready.
Prepare the instance for creating image dataset now:

rm /zones/YourInstanceUUID/root/win2008_re2_multi.iso
rm /zones/YourInstanceUUID/root/smartos-vmtools-20120911140922.iso

cd to /zones/ or some other place with enough space and create the image:

zfs snapshot zones/YourInstanceUUID-disk0@image
zfs send zones/YourInstanceUUID-disk0@image | gzip > win2008_re2.zvol.gz

Generate the SHA1 key which we need for the manifest file:

shasum win2008_re2.zvol.gz

Generate a Custom UUID for your Image, your creator_uuid
You can do this by an UUID Generator like: UUID Generator

Now you need to create a manifest file. all except "type : zvol" need to be modified.
So take this example and replace the UUID, creator_uuid and vendor_uuid with the one you've generated before.
The size for the size field you simply get by entering ls -l in your shell:

create your new manifest file for your dataset:

vi win2008-re2.dsmanifest
"uuid": "YourFirstGeneratedUUID",
"name": "Windows",
"version": "2008.re2.dc",
"description": "Windows 2008 RE2 Datacenter Edition",

"os": "windows",
"type": "zvol",
"platform_type": "windows",
"cloud_name": "ispireme",
"urn": "ispireme:ispireme:windows:2008.re2.dc",
"generate_passwords": "true",
"users": [
{"name": "administrator"}
"creator_name": "ispireme",
"creator_uuid": "YourSecondGeneratedUUID",
"vendor_uuid": "YourSecondGeneratedUUID",

"created_at": "2012-09-11T17:00Z",
"updated_at": "2012-09-11T17:00Z",
"published_at": "2012-09-11T17:00Z",

"disk_driver": "virtio",
"nic_driver": "virtio",
"files": [
"path": "/zones/win2008_re2.zvol.gz",
"sha1": "YourGeneratedFileSHAID",
"size": 2932294629,
"url": "http://localhost/datasets/YourUUID/win2008_re2.zvol.gz"
"requirements": {
"networks": [
"name": "net0",
"description": "admin"

Finally load the image into the dataset container:

imgadm install -m win2008_re2.dsmanifest -f win2008_re2.zvol.gz


And you are done.


Jules is the owner and author of ISPIRE.ME. He's a Linux System Engineer, Tech fanatic and an Open Source fan.

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